‘A World Created’ is an epic tale of love and loss set in a not-so-distant future against a backdrop of battles between good and evil. Travel with a menagerie of characters on a journey through a wondrous alien world and discover its mystical peoples and exotic places. You’ll encounter beings with telepathic abilities, ocean dwellers and curious beasts along the way.
Liam and Sunyev, guided and gifted by the deity Honorae, try desperately to secure the salvation of Vesperia. Liam enlists an army of volunteer troops and loyal allies to overcome mysterious enemy forces in a race against the clock. An ancient ceremony must be completed to guarantee peace in Vesperia.
Follow the journey using maps that Mrs. Quesenberry sketched herself. The map images can be found here.
Mrs. Quesenberry is a gifted artist of literature and prose with an exquisite vocabulary. In this book, there are many unusual terms. A glossary has been created to help readers and will be updated over time with reader input.
It is rumored that there is a sequel to A World Created. Maps which are of areas not in this book have been discovered. We are trying to locate the manuscript and notes for the book. When she began writing the second book, she named the series Champions of the Goddess and gave a subtitle of The Sword of the Goddess to the first book. These names have not been reflected in the current printing.
Where To Buy
BookBaby BookShop Store – Straight from the book printer.
Amazon – This will perform a search and should result in finding the book.
Barnes&Noble – Not Yet Available