
A World Created

Hot off the press!! J.D. Quesenberry’s first full-length novel is now in print.  Preview the Foreward here.  A variety of online resources are available to the reader, including world maps, glossary and reader blog.

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Book of Leaves

Book of Leaves is the working title of a collection of poetry and short stories written by Mrs. Quesenberry. These works are a picture into not only her own life, but of life in America. This project is projected to be complete some time in 2020. Stay tuned…

Who is Indian Hill Publishing?

Indian Hill Publishing was created in 2018 to provide a means to publish the volumes of literature and artwork created by J.D. Quesenberry for over seven decades.  Indian Hill is the endearing term given to her residence of nearly 45 years.

This website will be a place to interact with other readers, retrieve digital-only content and track the status of ongoing publishing efforts.

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